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The Freedom Union Diplomatic & Business Correspondence

Forging and developing International Diplomatic Cultural ties are an important part of the work that The Freedom Union is Engaged in. It is not to be underestimated how important Australia Trade Unions are held in by the International and diplomatic community. 

In my previous Role as President of Trade Hall in Canberra for three years I can personally attest to the amount of work that the international diplomatic community puts into liaising and consulting with Australian Trade Unions. 

Although The Freedom Union is still in its infancy establishing and forging these international diplomatic and corporate lines of communications, it is my intention as the National Spokesman to make this a top priority of The Freedom Union.

Bringing War Crimes to the attention - formally and diplomatically of the International Diplomatic Community will apply in tense pressure on these War Criminals to cease and abandon their efforts to commit War Crimes.

Provost Marshall Letter

More information about this document to come.

2nd Provost Marshal Letter

More information about this document to come.

Letter To Caroline Kennedy

More information about this document to come.

Letter To President Trump

More information about this document to come.